

Persana Team

Aug 23, 2024

Persana Team

Aug 23, 2024

Persana Team

Aug 23, 2024

Persana Team

Aug 23, 2024

Top 11 Cold Email Templates in 2024

In the world of B2B outreach, cold emails remain one of the most effective ways to engage potential clients. But with inboxes more crowded than ever, the challenge lies in crafting messages that not only get opened but also prompt a response. In this post, we’ll explore the top 11 cold email templates that are performing exceptionally well in 2024. These templates are designed to be non-salesy, human-like, and tailored to resonate with your audience. Whether you run an outbound agency or a lead generation agency, these cold email templates will help you boost your outreach success.

Why Non-Salesy Cold Emails Work Best

Before diving into the templates, it’s important to understand why non-salesy cold emails tend to outperform more direct sales pitches. In 2024, the key to successful cold emailing is personalization and value. Prospects are more likely to engage with emails that feel genuine and offer something beneficial, rather than those that push a hard sell.

Best Cold Email Templates in 2024

Below are 11 of the best-performing cold email templates for 2024. These templates are designed to open conversations, build relationships, and lead to meaningful business opportunities.

1. The Value-First Approach

This template is centered on providing immediate, tangible value to the recipient before asking for anything in return. By addressing a specific pain point or challenge the prospect might be facing, this approach builds goodwill and positions you as a helpful resource, making it more likely that the recipient will engage with you.

Subject: [{{First Name}}], I Found Something That Might Help Your [Pain Point]

Hi {{First Name}},

I noticed that [Company] is working on [specific project or industry trend]. I wanted to share a resource that could help you [solve a particular problem].

[Insert a brief description of the resource or tip.]

Would love to hear if this is useful!


[Your Name]

Why It Works: This template leads with value, offering something useful upfront. It’s a soft approach that piques interest without being pushy.

2. The Mutual Connection

Utilizing a mutual connection is a powerful way to establish credibility quickly. By mentioning someone both you and the prospect know, you’re able to build trust right from the start. This approach feels more personal and less intrusive, making it easier for the recipient to consider your request for a conversation or meeting.

Subject: [{{First Name}}], I Believe We Have a Mutual Connection

Hi {{First Name}},

I was speaking with [Mutual Connection’s Name], and your name came up. They mentioned that you’re involved in [industry or role], and I thought it might make sense for us to connect.

Are you open to a quick chat next week?


[Your Name]

Why It Works: Leveraging a mutual connection builds immediate trust and opens the door for a more natural conversation.

3. The Hyper-Personalized Compliment

Personalization is key in cold emailing, and this template takes it a step further by including a specific compliment related to the prospect’s recent work or achievements. This shows that you’ve done your research and genuinely appreciate their efforts, making the recipient more likely to respond positively to your outreach.

Subject: [{{First Name}}], I’m Impressed by What You’re Doing at [Company]

Hi {{First Name}},

I’ve been following [Company] and am really impressed by [specific achievement or initiative]. It’s rare to see [specific quality], and I’d love to learn more about how you’re making it happen.

If you’re open to it, I’d appreciate a few minutes of your time to discuss further.


[Your Name]

Why It Works: Personalization is key in cold emailing, and this template shows that you’ve done your homework. Complimenting the prospect’s work makes them more receptive to your message.

You can use Persana's AI Agent to help you personalized your emails at scale here

4. The Quick Question

A direct yet non-intrusive approach, this template focuses on asking a brief, relevant question related to a known pain point in the prospect’s industry. The goal is to pique the recipient’s curiosity and encourage a response without overwhelming them with too much information or a hard sell.

Subject: [{{First Name}}], Quick Question About [Pain Point]

Hi {{First Name}},

I’m curious how you’re currently handling [specific pain point or challenge]. We’ve been helping companies in [industry] with [solution], and I wondered if you’re open to exploring how this might work for [Company].

No pressure—just a quick chat if you’re interested.


[Your Name]

Why It Works: This template is direct but not pushy, making it easy for the prospect to respond without feeling overwhelmed.

5. The Case Study

Case studies are a powerful tool in B2B sales because they provide concrete proof of your solution’s effectiveness. This template highlights a specific result achieved for a similar company, making it easier for the prospect to envision the benefits your solution could bring to their business.

Subject: [{{First Name}}], How We Helped [Similar Company] Achieve [Result]

Hi {{First Name}},

We recently worked with [Similar Company] and helped them achieve [specific result]. Given your role at [Company], I thought this might be of interest to you.

Would you be open to a brief conversation to see if we can do something similar for you?


[Your Name]

Why It Works: Case studies are powerful tools in cold emailing, as they provide proof of your ability to deliver results.

6. The Industry Insight

Sharing valuable insights or data about an industry trend positions you as an expert and a valuable resource. This template is designed to engage prospects by offering information that could impact their business, opening the door for further discussion on how you can help them navigate these trends.

Subject: [{{First Name}}], Insight on [Industry Trend]

Hi {{First Name}},

I came across some interesting data on [industry trend] that I thought might be relevant to [Company]. It seems like this could impact [specific aspect of their business].

Would you be interested in discussing this further?


[Your Name]

Why It Works: Offering insights or data on industry trends positions you as a knowledgeable and valuable resource.

7. The Free Resource

Offering a free resource, such as a guide or eBook, is a great way to provide value upfront. This template helps establish your credibility and positions you as someone who’s willing to help without immediately asking for something in return. It’s an effective way to build rapport and encourage future engagement.

Subject: [{{First Name}}], Here’s a Free Resource on [Relevant Topic]

Hi {{First Name}},

I put together a [type of resource, e.g., guide, eBook] on [relevant topic] that I think could benefit you and your team at [Company].

Feel free to check it out here: [Link to Resource]

Let me know if you find it helpful!


[Your Name]

Why It Works: Offering a free resource demonstrates your willingness to provide value before asking for anything in return.

8. The Event Invite

Inviting prospects to an event relevant to their interests or industry is a subtle way to offer value while building a connection. This template is non-salesy and focuses on the benefits of attending the event, making it more likely that the recipient will consider your invitation.

Subject: [{{First Name}}], You’re Invited to [Event]

Hi {{First Name}},

We’re hosting an event on [topic] that I think you’d find valuable. It’s all about [specific benefit], and I’d love for you to join.

Here’s a link to the event details: [Event Link]

Hope to see you there!


[Your Name]

Why It Works: Inviting prospects to an event can be a great way to build rapport and offer value in a non-salesy way.

9. The Product Feedback Request

This template is less about selling and more about seeking the prospect’s expertise. By asking for feedback on a product or feature, you’re showing that you value their opinion, which can lead to a constructive conversation and potentially open the door for future business opportunities.

Subject: [{{First Name}}], Can I Get Your Feedback on [Product/Feature]?

Hi {{First Name}},

We’re working on [product/feature], and I’d love to get your feedback on how it could be improved. Given your experience in [industry], your insights would be invaluable.

If you’re open to it, I’d appreciate a few minutes of your time.


[Your Name]

Why It Works: Asking for feedback rather than pushing a sale can lead to valuable conversations and build goodwill with prospects.

10. The Partnership Inquiry

Suggesting a partnership or collaboration, this template focuses on mutual benefits rather than a one-sided sales pitch. It’s ideal for situations where you see a clear alignment between your offerings and the prospect’s needs, and you want to explore how you can work together for a win-win outcome.

Subject: [{{First Name}}], Exploring Partnership Opportunities

Hi {{First Name}},

I’ve been following [Company] for a while, and I think there’s an opportunity for us to collaborate. We’re currently working on [related initiative], and I believe there’s potential for a mutually beneficial partnership.

Are you open to exploring this further?


[Your Name]

Why It Works: This template focuses on potential collaboration, making it more appealing to prospects who are looking for long-term business relationships.

11. The Follow-Up

A polite follow-up is crucial in cold emailing, as it shows persistence without being overly aggressive. This template serves as a gentle reminder, ensuring that your previous email didn’t get lost in the recipient’s inbox. It increases the chances of a response while maintaining a respectful tone.

Subject: [{{First Name}}], Just Following Up

Hi {{First Name}},

I wanted to follow up on my previous email about [topic]. I understand you’re busy, but I wanted to make sure this didn’t slip through the cracks.

If now isn’t the right time, no worries—just let me know!


[Your Name]

Why It Works: A polite follow-up shows persistence without being pushy, increasing the chances of a response.

Next steps?

Incorporating these cold email templates into your outreach strategy can significantly improve your response rates and overall success in 2024. Each template is designed to be non-salesy, offering value and building relationships rather than pushing a hard sell.

The next step after crafting your cold emails is to ensure that you’re reaching the right people. At Persana AI, we provide access to valid and accurate prospect emails from over 75+ data providers, giving you the best chance of success in your cold email campaigns. Head over to Persana today to start finding the perfect prospects for your next outreach campaign.

Remember, a well-crafted cold email is only as good as the contact list it’s sent to—make sure your emails are landing in the right inboxes.