

Persana Team

Aug 23, 2024

Persana Team

Aug 23, 2024

Persana Team

Aug 23, 2024

Persana Team

Aug 23, 2024

How to Find and Verify B2B Emails at Scale

In a recent webinar, our CEO, Sriya Maram, had the pleasure of speaking with Pierre-Baptiste Landoin, the CEO of Icypeas, about the intricacies of finding and verifying emails at scale. This conversation was packed with valuable insights, especially for those looking to enhance their list-building strategies. Below, I share the top three takeaways from our discussion, along with how you can leverage these strategies within Persana AI for optimal results.

1. Implementing an Email Waterfall Strategy

An email waterfall strategy involves using multiple data providers to ensure you capture as many valid emails as possible. This method can significantly boost the accuracy and comprehensiveness of your email lists. Here’s why it's essential:

Why Use Multiple Data Providers?

  • Diversity of Data: Different providers have varying databases, so using multiple sources increases the chances of finding the right contacts.

  • Enhanced Accuracy: Cross-referencing data from several providers can help verify the authenticity of the emails, reducing the risk of bounces.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: While it may seem that using more than one provider could be costly, in reality, two to three data providers are usually sufficient to get the job done without breaking the bank.

2. The Importance of Email Verification

Once you’ve compiled your list using the waterfall strategy, the next crucial step is email verification. Here’s why you must not skip this step:

Why Verify Emails?

  • High Deliverability: Verified emails are more likely to reach the recipient’s inbox rather than getting caught in spam filters.

  • Protect Your Sender Reputation: Sending emails to invalid addresses can harm your sender reputation, which in turn affects your overall email deliverability rates.

  • Cost Efficiency: Email service providers often charge based on the number of emails sent. Sending emails to invalid addresses wastes resources and increases costs.

3. Utilizing Multiple Data Providers for Maximum Coverage

Having access to multiple data providers is not just about volume; it’s about the quality and reach of your email lists. Here’s how multiple data providers can help:

Advantages of Multiple Data Providers:

  • Broader Reach: Different providers cover different segments and industries, ensuring you don’t miss out on potential leads.

  • Data Accuracy: By cross-referencing data, you can weed out inconsistencies and ensure that your information is up-to-date.

  • Flexibility and Reliability: Relying on a single provider can be risky if they experience downtime or data issues. Multiple sources provide a safety net.

How to Use Icypeas in Persana AI

Now that we’ve covered the best practices, let’s dive into how you can integrate Icypeas with Persana AI to supercharge your email list building.

Option 1: Bring Your Own API Key

If you already have an Icypeas account, you can bring your own API key and integrate it with Persana AI. This allows you to leverage Icypeas' powerful email finding capabilities directly within the Persana platform.


  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrate Icypeas with your existing processes in Persana.

  • Control and Flexibility: Manage your data sources and maintain control over your email finding operations.

  • Enhanced Functionality: Combine the strengths of Icypeas with the robust features of Persana AI.

Option 2: Use Persana’s Native API Key

Don’t have an Icypeas account? No problem. Persana AI offers a native API key that allows you to access Icypeas’ email finding services without needing to set up an account.


  • Ease of Use: Get started quickly without the hassle of creating and managing multiple accounts.

  • Integrated Solution: Enjoy a smooth and integrated experience within the Persana AI platform.

  • Efficiency: Simplify your workflow by using a single platform for all your email finding needs.

Next Steps…

Finding and verifying emails at scale can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies and tools, it becomes manageable and highly effective. By implementing an email waterfall strategy, verifying emails, and utilizing multiple data providers, you can significantly improve the accuracy and deliverability of your email lists. With Persana AI, you can seamlessly integrate Icypeas’ powerful capabilities, whether you bring your own API key or use Persana’s native key. Start enhancing your list-building efforts today and watch your outreach campaigns achieve better results than ever before.

By focusing on these strategies and utilizing the integrations available within Persana AI, you can ensure that your email outreach is both effective and efficient. Happy list building!