New: Persana 2.0 Release

New: Persana 2.0 Release

New: Persana 2.0 Release

Elevate your sales career with
Persana Pros 🚀

Trusted and loved by teams, and businesses of all sizes


Revenue boost


Time saved prospecting


More qualified leads


Saved per week


Revenue boost


Time saved prospecting


More qualified leads


Saved per week


Revenue boost


Time saved prospecting


More qualified leads


Saved per week


Revenue boost


Time saved prospecting


More qualified leads


Saved per week

We’ve been using Persana AI at Alpaca and it’s honestly been a game-changer. It’s super easy to get started with, and it has made our outreach efforts way more targeted and efficient.

I. Badreddine

Founder at Alpaca Leads

"What would take me three weeks, Persana did in 3 mins. With Persana I was able to generate emails for an ICP in a matter of minutes using my tone and voice... "

Deb P

Co-Founder at Quest Labs

“I’m excited about where is headed as a company. Persana helps to do a lot of the heavy lifting for the things sellers don’t like to do: admin work.”


Partnerships Lead and Founder

We’ve been using Persana AI at Alpaca and it’s honestly been a game-changer. It’s super easy to get started with, and it has made our outreach efforts way more targeted and efficient.

I. Badreddine

Founder at Alpaca Leads

"What would take me three weeks, Persana did in 3 mins. With Persana I was able to generate emails for an ICP in a matter of minutes using my tone and voice... "

Deb P

Co-Founder at Quest Labs

“I’m excited about where is headed as a company. Persana helps to do a lot of the heavy lifting for the things sellers don’t like to do: admin work.”


Partnerships Lead and Founder

We’ve been using Persana AI at Alpaca and it’s honestly been a game-changer. It’s super easy to get started with, and it has made our outreach efforts way more targeted and efficient.

I. Badreddine

Founder at Alpaca Leads

"What would take me three weeks, Persana did in 3 mins. With Persana I was able to generate emails for an ICP in a matter of minutes using my tone and voice... "

Deb P

Co-Founder at Quest Labs

“I’m excited about where is headed as a company. Persana helps to do a lot of the heavy lifting for the things sellers don’t like to do: admin work.”


Partnerships Lead and Founder

We’ve been using Persana AI at Alpaca and it’s honestly been a game-changer. It’s super easy to get started with, and it has made our outreach efforts way more targeted and efficient.

I. Badreddine

Founder at Alpaca Leads

"What would take me three weeks, Persana did in 3 mins. With Persana I was able to generate emails for an ICP in a matter of minutes using my tone and voice... "

Deb P

Co-Founder at Quest Labs

“I’m excited about where is headed as a company. Persana helps to do a lot of the heavy lifting for the things sellers don’t like to do: admin work.”


Partnerships Lead and Founder



An AI-first workflow for your team. 🤝

Our AI Automations make it easy to prospect at scale. Spend less time doing manual research and more time selling.

Our AI Automations make it easy to prospect at scale. Spend less time doing manual research and more time selling.


Sales triggers

Maximize ROI with Persana by targeting potential buyers impacted by job changes, hiring companies, or funding data.


Find Decision Makers automatically

Find decision makers at target companies to ensure that you are effectively reaching individuals who are likely to make purchases.


Find leads who use a similar technology

Focus on companies utilizing similar technology to the ones you are selling to.


Lead scoring

Focus your team on high-quality leads using Persana's advanced AI to identify optimal conversion potential based on fit attributes and behaviors.


Enriching contacts with precise AI

Effectively communicate with customers by having accurate information, empowering their performance.


Find companies with open roles

Boost sales by targeting hiring companies; align efforts with their needs for better purchase likelihood.


Companies that are hiring

Track and target hiring companies and individuals for specific roles, sending personalized outbound messages that convert.


Track product champions

Identify loyal advocates who can drive referrals, boost brand credibility, and accelerate the sales process.


Find companies recently funded

Leverage recent funding events to approach companies ready for solutions. Use Persana AI's alerts to be the first in line for sales opportunities.


Sales triggers

Maximize ROI with Persana by targeting potential buyers impacted by job changes, hiring companies, or funding data.


Find Decision Makers automatically

Find decision makers at target companies to ensure that you are effectively reaching individuals who are likely to make purchases.


Find leads who use a similar technology

Focus on companies utilizing similar technology to the ones you are selling to.


Lead scoring

Focus your team on high-quality leads using Persana's advanced AI to identify optimal conversion potential based on fit attributes and behaviors.


Enriching contacts with precise AI

Effectively communicate with customers by having accurate information, empowering their performance.


Find companies with open roles

Boost sales by targeting hiring companies; align efforts with their needs for better purchase likelihood.


Companies that are hiring

Track and target hiring companies and individuals for specific roles, sending personalized outbound messages that convert.


Track product champions

Identify loyal advocates who can drive referrals, boost brand credibility, and accelerate the sales process.


Find companies recently funded

Leverage recent funding events to approach companies ready for solutions. Use Persana AI's alerts to be the first in line for sales opportunities.


Sales triggers

Maximize ROI with Persana by targeting potential buyers impacted by job changes, hiring companies, or funding data.


Find Decision Makers automatically

Find decision makers at target companies to ensure that you are effectively reaching individuals who are likely to make purchases.


Find leads who use a similar technology

Focus on companies utilizing similar technology to the ones you are selling to.


Lead scoring

Focus your team on high-quality leads using Persana's advanced AI to identify optimal conversion potential based on fit attributes and behaviors.


Enriching contacts with precise AI

Effectively communicate with customers by having accurate information, empowering their performance.


Find companies with open roles

Boost sales by targeting hiring companies; align efforts with their needs for better purchase likelihood.


Companies that are hiring

Track and target hiring companies and individuals for specific roles, sending personalized outbound messages that convert.


Track product champions

Identify loyal advocates who can drive referrals, boost brand credibility, and accelerate the sales process.


Find companies recently funded

Leverage recent funding events to approach companies ready for solutions. Use Persana AI's alerts to be the first in line for sales opportunities.


Sales triggers

Maximize ROI with Persana by targeting potential buyers impacted by job changes, hiring companies, or funding data.


Find Decision Makers automatically

Find decision makers at target companies to ensure that you are effectively reaching individuals who are likely to make purchases.


Find leads who use a similar technology

Focus on companies utilizing similar technology to the ones you are selling to.


Lead scoring

Focus your team on high-quality leads using Persana's advanced AI to identify optimal conversion potential based on fit attributes and behaviors.


Enriching contacts with precise AI

Effectively communicate with customers by having accurate information, empowering their performance.


Find companies with open roles

Boost sales by targeting hiring companies; align efforts with their needs for better purchase likelihood.


Companies that are hiring

Track and target hiring companies and individuals for specific roles, sending personalized outbound messages that convert.


Track product champions

Identify loyal advocates who can drive referrals, boost brand credibility, and accelerate the sales process.


Find companies recently funded

Leverage recent funding events to approach companies ready for solutions. Use Persana AI's alerts to be the first in line for sales opportunities.

Trusted and loved by revenue leaders from 500+ companies

"Persana helped us book more meetings than I thought possible. We were able to personalize our leads instantly with their platform, a process that used to take weeks.


CEO & General Counsel at Vaero

"Persana AI has been awesome for us to use AI automation at scale. I love the templates and saving prompts! Saves me hours of research. I definitely recommend Persana"


Cofounder & CEO at Scheduler AI

"They are very hands on and they are cost effective -we should def evangelize their app because its a really good one. I can see it taking over in a few months."


Founder at MoxieGTM

"Persana helped us book more meetings than I thought possible. We were able to personalize our leads instantly with their platform, a process that used to take weeks.


CEO & General Counsel at Vaero

"Persana AI has been awesome for us to use AI automation at scale. I love the templates and saving prompts! Saves me hours of research. I definitely recommend Persana"


Cofounder & CEO at Scheduler AI

"They are very hands on and they are cost effective -we should def evangelize their app because its a really good one. I can see it taking over in a few months."


Founder at MoxieGTM

"Persana helped us book more meetings than I thought possible. We were able to personalize our leads instantly with their platform, a process that used to take weeks.


CEO & General Counsel at Vaero

"Persana AI has been awesome for us to use AI automation at scale. I love the templates and saving prompts! Saves me hours of research. I definitely recommend Persana"


Cofounder & CEO at Scheduler AI

"They are very hands on and they are cost effective -we should def evangelize their app because its a really good one. I can see it taking over in a few months."


Founder at MoxieGTM

Fully integrated in your stack

Seamless data consolidation + our powerful AI to uncover high intent leads.

Seamless data consolidation + our powerful AI to uncover high intent leads.

Join the Persana Wall of Love ❤️

Join the Persana Wall of Love ❤️

"Persana helped us book more meetings than I thought possible. We were able to personalize and segment our leads instantly with their platform, a process that used to take weeks. We now have better qualified leads that convert at a much higher rate"

"Persana helped us book more meetings than I thought possible. We were able to personalize and segment our leads instantly with their platform, a process that used to take weeks. We now have better qualified leads that convert at a much higher rate"

"Persana helped us book more meetings than I thought possible. We were able to personalize and segment our leads instantly with their platform, a process that used to take weeks. We now have better qualified leads that convert at a much higher rate"

"Fast and simple. Always sending them product feature requests and can't wait to see how this platform evolves."

"Fast and simple. Always sending them product feature requests and can't wait to see how this platform evolves."

"Fast and simple. Always sending them product feature requests and can't wait to see how this platform evolves."

"Enrichments are lightning fast"

"Enrichments are lightning fast"

"Enrichments are lightning fast"

"Persana's real-time data enrichment has been transformative. We're making decisions faster and more accurately than ever before"

"Persana's real-time data enrichment has been transformative. We're making decisions faster and more accurately than ever before"

"Persana's real-time data enrichment has been transformative. We're making decisions faster and more accurately than ever before"

"Hell yea! This is awesome 🔥🔥"

"Hell yea! This is awesome 🔥🔥"

"Exciting innovation in lead generation! 🧠"

"Exciting innovation in lead generation! 🧠"

"The future is now 😅"

"The future is now 😅"

"Persana AI is honestly been a game-changer. It’s super easy to get started with, and it has made our outreach efforts way more targeted and efficient. It’s like having an extra team member who’s really good at the details. We’re reaching more people, more effectively, and it’s all thanks to Persana..”

"Persana AI is honestly been a game-changer. It’s super easy to get started with, and it has made our outreach efforts way more targeted and efficient. It’s like having an extra team member who’s really good at the details. We’re reaching more people, more effectively, and it’s all thanks to Persana..”

"Incredible results with Persana! The platform's intuitive design and powerful tools have streamlined our sales process and boosted productivity"

"Incredible results with Persana! The platform's intuitive design and powerful tools have streamlined our sales process and boosted productivity"

"What would take my team 3 weeks, Persana did in 3 mins. LITERALLY."

"Really love how hands-on the Persana team is in providing support to make sure that we can achieve our goals quickly"

"i just want to tell you that your whole team has made a great product with Persana"

"Just tried it, it's mindblowing!"

Persana has revolutionized the way we approach sales. Its AI-driven insights have DOUBLED our conversion rates, making it a cornerstone of our strategy

10x your sales with Persana

Learn more about how Persana AI can help your company leverage revenue signals and optimize actions to maximize sales.

10x your sales with Persana

Learn more about how Persana AI can help your company leverage revenue signals and optimize actions to maximize sales.

10x your sales with Persana

Learn more about how Persana AI can help your company leverage revenue signals and optimize actions to maximize sales.